Event Rules


Holy Havoc IX, The Warlord Reborn, Age of Sigmar Narrative Doubles Event consisting of 5 games of Ages of Sigmar. Each game will have five battle rounds with unique table battleplans and deployments designed around each battle plan. Holy Havoc IX, The Warlord Reborn has slots for 80 players and 40 doubles. Teams comprised of a single Grand Alliance are preferred but not required; tell us a good story! 

Each player on the team must have a Warlord of Havoc themed to their army. The model will have the chance to win the Best Warlord Model trophy, so be creative! The Holy Havoc Council will create a Warscroll with all profile information.

Advance Intel

Here are things to consider when teams build their army.

  1. A variety of Warscroll types will be important to success.
  2. Holy terrain will impact the game; remember that all Holy terrain cannot be demolished.
  3. Completion of objectives will have a direct impact on your Warlord Havoc’s ability to earn upgrades for himself and his army.
  4. It would be a wise decision to have more than one Hero on your list.


  • Each team is considered two armies and may be from different Grand Alliances.
  • Each player must have a Warlord of Havoc modeled on foot on a 40mm – 90mm circular base or modeled with a mount on a 75x42mm – 90x52mm oval base. Your model and conversions must visually represent the archetypes you pick for your Warlord. This model does NOT cost any points. 
  • Warlord Archetypes. Your Warlord will get to choose two archetypes that represent their rules in the game: Warrior, Marksman, Mage, Archmage, Cleric, Skirmisher, Cavalier, and Tactician.
  • The Warlord of Havoc must have a one-page narrative describing his/her background, including name and realm of origin.
  • Each player’s deployed army must meet all of the 1000-point requirements.
  • Special/Unique Characters with a point value less than 400 are allowed.
  • The Warlord of Havoc will NOT be your General. The Warlord of Havoc cannot be chosen to be your General. After the first battle round, your Warlord will be able to gain Warlord of Havoc Improvements and Talents as the weekend progresses. You will also gain in-game bonuses and extra victory points for successfully walking a Warlord Path.
  • Warlord of Havoc does not cost points. A few weeks before the event, the War scroll will be provided in the players’ pack.
  • Artefacts and Spell Enhancements are chosen in advance and must be indicated in the army list.
  • Teams may not duplicate faction-specific prayers, spells, artifacts, or manifestations.
  • Each player has a pool of Command Points; these can only be used to issue commands to their army and not their partner. 
  • Command Abilities, Battle Traits, Command Traits, and Faction Terrain only apply to a player’s army and cannot affect their partner’s army.
  • Battle Tactics will NOT be used in the scoring matrix. We have our own unique Battle Plans that will use the Holy Havoc scoring.
  • Only Battalions from the current GHB and the Core Rule book will used. 
  • Fighting the Battle: During set-up, each player on the team sets up a unit when it is their turn to do so. Instead of each player taking a turn during the game, each team takes a turn. The teams roll off against each other to see which team has priority. Where individual players would normally alternate taking actions, the teams alternate taking actions, allowing each player to carry out their actions. For example, in the combat phase, each player on a team can attack with one of their units, then each player on the other team, and so on. Attempts to unbind or dispel a spell are limited to one attempt per team rather than one attempt for each player. There is only one chance to unbind or dispel a successfully cast spell. 
  • All models must be fully painted to a tabletop standard; a three-color minimum is unacceptable. Models primed with only three items painted are not considered fully painted and are not allowed for this event. Any models not painted to this standard will not be allowed, and judges will have them removed from the table if spotted. Offending players will lose a sports point.
  • Display boards are optional. Display boards are limited to 24”x24” and will be allowed in the judging room for paint judging. All models must fit on this display board. Players are encouraged to bring other means of army transportation from table to table. If you do not have a display board, you must have a mat to display your army on to compete for a Hobby Award.
  • All Summoned models, Terrain and Endless Spells do NOT have to be displayed. These models must be painted to the same level as the rest of the army. If these models are not painted to the same standard they will not be allowed to be used. Players are only required to display their deployed army. Malign Sorcery Endless Spells bases are allowed to have a unique basing schemes. Faction specific Endless Spells must match the basing of the army, even bases that are molded bases must have the same texture as the army bases.
  • Players may NOT borrow models from other players for summoning or any special rules.
  • There is no list deadline for our event, players are on the honor system for lists.
  • Any players caught deliberately cheating will be disqualified and banned from future Holy Havoc events.
  • Holy Havoc Re-Roll dice: Each player will have the opportunity to purchase a Holy Havoc Re-Roll dice for $20. Each player will have the opportunity to Re-Roll one dice roll during each game, including priority.

Rule Judges
Players are required to have their Warscrolls ready to resolve rule disputes between themselves in a fair and friendly manner. However, in the case of ambiguous rules or firm disagreements, players are encouraged to dice off to resolve the dispute. If after the dice off the issue is still not resolved there will be Rule Judges circulating on the floor. While we strive for accuracy, it is our main goal to keep games moving along. Decisions from a Rule Judge will be quick and considered final.

Charity Raffle
A $25 contribution to a new in-box Games Workshop Age of Sigmar product. Raffle tickets can be purchased for one ticket for $5.00 or 5 for $20. Proceeds will go to the Hesed House homeless shelter. The money raised goes directly to the family shelter and helps to get the families into apartments and out of the shelter.

Scoring (Subject to Change)
There are 104 points available over three categories.

55 pts Battle
There are 65 points available for the five games.

  1. Main Mission Objective: 4 pts
  2. Terrain Table Objective: 3 pts
  3. Warp Crystal Objective: 3 pts
  4. Grand Strategy: 1 pt (The team picks a singular Grand Strategy they work together to achieve.)
  5. Warlord Path: 10 pts (5 pts for each Warlord that completes the path.)

22 pts Narrative & Event Participation
There are 22 pts available for Narrative and Event Participation.

  • 4 points for providing a written narrative about your Warhost. Points will be earned based on creative effort and presentation of the narrative.
  • 4 points for narrative cohesiveness. Does your narrative reflect your army composition, paint scheme, basing, and display board.
  • 8 points for not playing on the same table more than three times during the weekend.
  • 5 points for donating one or more items worth at least $20 retail total to the Charity Raffle.
  • 1 point for voting for your favorite army.

17 pts Appearance
17 points are available to all players. You can download the painting checklist here to make sure you get your points.

There can be only one. One winner will be awarded in each of the following categories. No duplicate winners are allowed.

  • Havoc Conquerors (the most battle points). The first tiebreaker is Narrative & Event Participation points. Second tiebreaker total Appearance points. Third tiebreaker Favorite Opponent points. The fourth tiebreaker is a dice roll.
  • Favorite Team (The team that gave the best game of the weekend is determined by player votes.) The first tiebreaker is Narrative & Event Participation points. Second tiebreaker total Appearance points. Third tiebreaker Favorite Opponent points. Fourth tiebreaker a dice roll.
  • Fan Favorite First tiebreaker is Narrative & Event Participation points. Second tiebreaker total Appearance points. Third tiebreaker Favorite Opponent points. Fourth tiebreaker a dice roll.

Hobby Master Awards

  • Army of Havoc (The Highest Paint Score based on Hobby Master level paint scores and judge votes.)
  • Best Display (Based on judges’ votes, which board tells the most compelling story?)
  • Best Warlord (Only Hobby Master level painted Warlord will qualify.)
  • Most Improved (Awarded to previous attendees of Holy Wars who have shown continuous improvement in the hobby.)
  • Holy Paragons (The team who has embraced the narrative spirit of the Holy Events will take home the award.)


Registration opens at 7:00 pm on 5/01/2023 – Please email holywarsgt@gmail.com if you would like to sign up and send your PayPal payment to holywarsgt@gmail.com. Please send the money via Friends and Family after all we are friends.

The Holy Havoc XI 2024 narrative doubles event will be able to seat 80 players.

Refunds – If individual or team cancel a reservation before September 1, 2024, all payments will be refunded minus a $50 tournament fee to each player. Cancellations after September 1, 2024, will not be refunded.